Introducing a new series, hoping this gets me writing more. I’m calling it my 5 & 5 series. Each post will take a topic and point out 5 pros and 5 cons. While I think it is always important to focus on the positives in life, I think it helps to recognize the negative attributes and be aware of them to help minimize the impact that you allow them to have on you. Driving down a street you want to be able to see the potholes in order to avoid them.
So for the first topic I have chosen TECHNOLOGY. Now this is one that may come up more than once because there are so many more pros and cons than just 5, but this is a topic that has come up in some of my conversations lately and one that is tied very closely to the advancement in treatment of T1D. So let’s begin….
My sister has a few pet peeves. Two of which are listening to my mom drink orange juice and listening to me slurp my soup off the spoon. I get it. It can be very irritating. It can come off as obnoxious. And to an extent, those are both things we could do differently to not sound so loud while eating.
I get annoyed myself listening to people chew their gum (“like a cow” as the saying goes). Depending on the person, I more often than not say something and politely (or less politely if family) ask them to chew with their mouths closed. But here’s the thing, I chew with my mouth closed! |